This page contains the Privacy Statement of Pops Spedster And Company, the parent company of The Lemon Aid Network


About James M. Kemp, Owner of Pops Spedster And Company/The Lemon Aid Network

All About Jim
JPG Files    
Professional Resume jimzproresume1  
Theatrical Resume jimztheatrresume1  
Oregon Teaching Certificate Cover - Page 5 Oregon Certificate  
OTC - page 1 oregoncert1  
OTC - Page 2 oregoncert2  
OTC - 3 oregonlic3  
OTC - 4 otc4  
OTC - 6 OTC6  
OTC - 7 OTC7  






Click here to download our online privacy policy in PDF format.

Pops Spedster And Company Online Privacy Policy


About Us


Last updated 10/15/2023

Copyright - James M. Kemp