The DAI Instructional Design Process
Developmentally Appropriate Instruction Instructional
Appropriate developmental assessment drives the design of appropriate DAI instruction.
100. Developmental assessment determines student strengths and preferences in each goal domain. 101. Vocational/ Employment strengths and preferences 102. Community-based skill strengths and preferences 103. Daily Living skill strengths and preferences 104. Functional Academic/ Transition skill strengths and preferences
200. IEP team/ evaluation team agrees on attainable goals basedon the strenths and preferences for each student. 201. Attainable vocational/ employment goals 202. Attainable community-based goals 203. Attainable daily living goals 204. Attainable functional academic/ transition skills
300. IEP team draws on goal banks for designing individualized goals in each DAI domain. 301. Vocational/ employment goal bank 302. Community-based skills goal bank 303. Daily Living skills bank 304. Functional Academic/ Transition skills bank
400. IEP team designs developmentally appropriate goals and appropriate supports and accommodations for each student in each domain deemed appropriate by the team.. 401. Individualized vocational/ employment goals 402. Individualized community-based skill goals 403. Individualized daily living skill goals 404. Individualized functional academic/ transition skill goals
500. Instructional staff delivers individual and small group instruction with appropriate supports and accommodations for each goal. 501. Specially designed vocational/ employment instruction 502. Specially designed community-based skill instruction 503. Specially designed daily living skill instruction 504. Specially designed functional academic/ transition skill instruction
When designing instructional goals, the team should also give consideration to the possibility that some student strengths will have multiple applications in more than one goal domain.