Functional Vocational Skills
Many of our transition-aged students will never qualify for supports from agencies such as Vocational Rehabilitation because those agencies give a great deal of authority to individual case managers who need to be convinced. Their standard for delivering short term supports is that the case manager must be convinced that their prospective client will be able to be competitively employed and independent of the need for supports after a short term of receiving vocational supports. Therefore, the reality is that many of students with developmental disabilities will transition to supported employment settings. The typical vocational tasks at such settings tend to be simple, functional routines, including skills such as - 1. The ability to follow a three step sequence; 2. The ability to sort three objects into groups of objects; 3. The ability to assemble an item in a short sequence of steps.
The following probes assess these skills and establish a baseline of data upon which vocational goals can be designed by an IEP or ISP team. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Appropriate cues might include something to the effect - "I want you to put these two things together. Make it look like the thing in the red box."